Motivation, Behaviour & Perspective
If you’re familiar with your hoozyu data you may have noticed that there are a couple of areas that this data covers:
- the first is Motivation. This covers Your Interests and the Asterisk on the Grid - plus Your Focus.
- and the other is Behaviour. Which covers your Usual, Need and Stress, represented by the Diamond, Circle & Square on the Grid. (Your Needs are not a ‘behaviour’ in themselves, but I include them here because they are the fundamental aspect that will dictate what behaviour you display: postive Usual behaviour, or negative Stress behaviour.)
The Motivational data is pretty straightforward.
Your Asterisk gives you an overview of your 10 Area of Interest scores. If your Asterisk is in the centre of the Grid this tells us that you probably have some mix of colours represented in your top Interest scores. If it’s in the far corner of one colour, this is likely because your Interest scores of that colour are particularly high!
The Interest scores themselves tell you the types of activity you are likely to be drawn to and energised by. Engaging with your highest interests is a great way to recharge your batteries, and keep yourself motivated.
Your Focus data, tells you the specific tasks you may wish to be involved in, within those areas you are motivated by.
To give you an example: someone with a high match on Artistic Interest, may be drawn to working in the field of art and design, because they are motivated by the way things look, and getting the visuals right. But if they have a Green Focus that may mean they will be more motivated by the selling / engaging with people side of art and design, and may be better suited to a role in a commercial gallery, or managing artistic talent, rather than as an artist or designer themselves.
By looking at the Motivational data, you can be better equipped to:
- Understand what matters to you
- Manage your own engagement (with your school work, university course, apprenticeship, job - or whatever it is you’re doing!)
- Know what to ‘put your hand up’ for (and maybe what you should try to avoid)
- Take responsibility for your own development (whether that includes career, professional, leadership or personal development)
Your Usual, Need and Stress scores can be a little tricky to get your head around, but once you understand the relationship between them and what your own scores are telling you, this data can be phenomenally useful.
To give a basic overview, these scores reveal:
- the kind of ‘environment’ you need, including the way you need others to communicate with you
- the positive, productive behaviour you will display when that need is met
- and the negative, counter-productive behaviour you will display when that need is not met
Aside from everything else (and there is a lot you can do with, and learn from, this information) this data provides you with a key to recognise the behaviours that mean things are going well, and those that indicate things are starting to go badly, for you.
I won’t go into detail here, but if you want to know more, the best place to look is the In-Depth Report. You may also want to check out the Grid Reference Sheet which gives you a summary of each colour variation for each of the 4 grid symbols, and is available on the Printable Worksheets page of the platform.
The thing about the Behavioural data is that it also gives us insight into your Perspective, which is even more fundamental than simply the way that you behave.
Your Usual behaviour (Diamond on the Grid) tells us a little about your perspective, in terms of what you perceive to be correct or acceptable behaviour in yourself, but it’s really your Need score (Circle on the Grid) that gives you a picture of your fundamental view of the world.
What your Need is describing is how you think the world ought to function.
In other words, if your Need is very strongly Yellow, this tells us that you are probably someone who believes the world is a place that ought to function in a systematic way, where people are friendly and considerate to one another, and do not cause unnecessary interruptions or disrupt the order and processes put in place to keep things running smoothly.
Each region of the Grid comes with different Needs and therefore different perspectives. Understanding the perspectives that other people have, however similar or different they are to your own perspective, can be key to getting along with other people, and maintaining relationships.
By exploring your perspectives and understanding how these differ from those of other people, you’ll be equipped to (among other things):
- Communicate more effectively with others
- Understand your reactions to people and situations
- Increase your self-control, self-management and self-awareness
- Work better within any teams or groups you may be part of
Helping you to understand your Motivations, Behaviours and Perspectives is the whole reason we’re here: it’s what we’re passionate about - not least because of the difference it’s made in our own lives!
By looking at your hoozyu report you may already be able to start making some statements about your Motivation, Behaviour & Perspective, based on the data you find there… but keep digging deeper and engaging with these scores and you’ll keep getting more out of them!
Why not have a chat with a tutor, mentor, parent or guardian - or with a friend who has also done hoozyu - and discuss some of the things you’re learning about yourself. If there’s sections of the data that you’re not so clear on, see if they can help you make sense of it. And if you’re still not sure, or just want to drop us a message, you can email support@hoozyu.com any time!